About the Journal

Ecological Perspective (ECOPERS) is scientific peer-reviewed journal devoting to improve ecological aspects of environmental science. The main purpose is to identify people and nature relation with communicating to several actors of the society, including scientists/researchers, stakeholders, communities, policymakers and practitioners. ECOPERS publishes original research papers on landscape ecology, ecosystem services and biodiversity as one of the first components of ecological systems benefits to human well-being. This scope includes studies on sustainability of ecosystems, ecosystem services, green infrastructures, ecosystem management, participation, spatial planning and biodiversity management, among others.  

Ecological Perspective is the official scientific journal of the "Sekizgen Academy". 


Editor In Chief:  Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Seda ARSLAN

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): ECOPERS-2024
					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): ECOPERS-2024

Değerli Okuyucular,

Ecological Perspective (ECOPERS) dergisinin 2024 yılı sayısına hoş geldiniz. Ekolojik ve çevresel sorunlar giderek daha karmaşık hale gelirken, bu sayımızda yer alan makaleler, farklı disiplinlerden ekolojik sürdürülebilirliğe katkı sağlayacak değerli bilgiler sunmaktadır. Bu sayımızda teknoloji, tasarım, biyolojik çeşitlilik ve ekosistem hizmetleri gibi önemli alanlarda yapılan araştırmalara yer verdik.

Bu sayımızda yer alan tüm yazarlarımıza, hakemlerimize ve dergimize katkı sağlayan tüm bilim insanlarına teşekkür ederiz. Dergimizin bu sayısının, çevresel sürdürülebilirlik ve ekosistem hizmetlerinin daha iyi anlaşılması yolunda faydalı olmasını umuyor, keyifli okumalar diliyoruz

Dr. E. Seda ARSLAN (Editor)

Published: 23-12-2024
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Ecological Perspective (ECOPERS) is scientific peer-reviewed journal devoting to improve ecological aspects of environmental science. The main purpose is to identify people and nature relation with communicating to several actors of the society, including scientists/researchers, stakeholders, communities, policymakers and practitioners. ECOPERS publishes original research papers on landscape ecology, ecosystem services and biodiversity as one of the first components of ecological systems benefits to human well-being. This scope includes studies on sustainability of ecosystems, ecosystem services, green infrastructures, ecosystem management, participation, spatial planning and biodiversity management, among others.  

Ecological Perspective is the official scientific journal of the "Sekizgen Academy". It is an open access journal, without any charge for authors.