Effects Of Climate Change On Main Forest Tree Species In Turkey





Climate change, modeling, forest tree, Turkey


Global warming and climate change threaten the future of world. The effects of climate change, which expresses the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide, and the differences in precipitation, are now felt all over the world, from the highest peaks to the ocean depths, from the equator to the poles. While climate change creates negative effects on forests, it also causes destruction in the natural carbon cycle. Primary forest trees and forest areas, which directly contribute to the economy, are also of vital importance for people and other living things that are part of the ecosystem. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of global climate change on main forest tree species through the climate change models of the future and present and to evaluate what kind of effects, problems and results emerge. As a result, it is seen that most of main tree species will not be able to adapt to climate change, the distribution areas of the species will decrease and even of them will face the danger of extinction.



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How to Cite

UZUN, A., & SARIKAYA, A. G. (2021). Effects Of Climate Change On Main Forest Tree Species In Turkey. Ecological Perspective, 1(1), 29–36. https://doi.org/10.53463/ecopers.20210064



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