Comparison Of ‘’Leed, Breeam And Yes_Tr’’ Assessment Tools Within The Framework Of The Principles Of Eco-Urbanization
Urban sustainability, LEED Cities and Communities, BREEAM Communities, YeS-TRAbstract
The increase in welfare and job opportunities in cities has led to migration from rural to urban areas all over the world. In line with the immigrations experienced, the cities have reached a growth rate of 170% and this has led to the acceptance of the necessity of the concept of sustainability in the cities. Urban sustainability tools have been developed in terms of ensuring sustainability in cities in a certain order, documenting, observing, and promoting their changes over time. Within the scope of this study, the advantages and weaknesses of LEED Cities and Communities, BREEAM Communities which are the most accepted sustainability assessment tools in the world, and YeS-TR developed in our country, were evaluated within the scope of urban sustainability standards.
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