Methods and Techniques Used in Determining The Socio-Cultural Value of Ecosystem Services
Cultural ecosystem services, social values, sustainability, human welfareAbstract
This paper discusses the methods and techniques developed to determine the socio-cultural values of ecosystem services. The study focuses particularly on cultural ecosystem services (CEES), emphasizing their importance for human well-being and sustainability. In line with the aim of the article, the research examines the definition, classification and valuation of CES in a theoretical framework, and discusses methods such as surveys, semi-structured interviews, participatory mapping, economic valuation and social media analysis to identify their social values. The social values of KEH play a critical role in the sustainable management of natural resources and enhancing social welfare. As a result, it is recommended that the social values of KEH are protected and integrated into policy processes for sustainable ecosystem management. Examples illustrate how these methods can be used to identify the social benefits of these services and to engage local people in ecosystem management. Understanding the social value of KEH is critical for the sustainable management of natural resources and enhancing social well-being. This contributes to the conservation and management of ecosystem services in a way that is compatible with human well-being.
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