Landscape Matrix Proposal For Haliç (Golden Horn) Coastal Zone
urban landscape, urban ecology, landscape design, Haliç (Golden Horn)Abstract
The impacts of urbanization on landscapes and ecosystems have been increasing globally. How urban landscape is shaped, in other words designed, is a fundamental human activity in terms of urban sustainability. Landscape is often dealed with mostly by aesthetic concerns which presents sustainable/ecological/natural qualities only at formal level, is limited by legislative framework, hardly responds to human needs and behavioral patterns and lacks a holistic approach within the Turkish spatial design practice. This study aims to develop a landscape matrix in the example of Istanbul (Golden Horn) region as an open space operation model within the existing urban texture, which the built environment has been represented with different layers of historical developments. The matrix presented in this study presents a design process on the basis of urban ecology as well as the physical and social relations of the study area located in the Golden Horn, one of the cultural identity values of Istanbul, formed by urban layers belonging to different historical periods. It is thought that the construction of the coastal and hinterland relationship through the open space system both contributes to the dissolution of the urban texture towards the coastal zone and strengthens the character of the waterfront.
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