Examination of Interior Design in Fernando Botero's Paintings Through Colonial Era Spanish Architecture
Botero, Colonial Spanish Architecture, Interior DesignAbstract
Fantastic art; It has a unique frame that is presented with an image where imagination prevails over reality, is fed by the imagination rather than the artist's technical abilities, has a strong creative aspect and is often blended with a surrealistic understanding. Although fantastic art is perceived as a contemporary approach, its origins date back to specific interpretations of ancient myths. Botero, one of the contemporary representatives of fantastic art, has included the cultural codes of Spain in his works, while talking about the daily life and habits of the Latin American people. It also used the colonial period architecture, which was designed with the understanding of the region, as a base. In addition, he paid attention to the concept of space in his original reproduction works that brought a contemporary interpretation to classical works and evaluated the space as a background. The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate the character-space relationship in Botero's paintings through the colonial period architecture within the scope of fantastic art.
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Elektronik Kaynakça
Url-2 https://www.izmirlife.com.tr//haber/6994
Url-3 https://en.mng.hu/artworks/self-portrait-13/
Url-4 https://enciclopedia.banrepcultural.org/index.php/Fernando_Botero
Url-5 https://estambul.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha63622_52_33.htm
Url-6 https://artvee.com/dl/circus-girl-in-her-trailer/
Url-7 https://discusiarte.wordpress.com/2009/01/11/fernando-botero-la-calle-2000/
Url-8 https://cctm.website/fernando-botero-colombia-3/#.ZBRodnZByUk
Url-11 https://wikioo.org/tr/paintings.php
Url-12 https://annaseaman.net/blog/fernando-botero-a-still-life-retrospective
Url-13 https://patrons.org.es/fernando-botero/
Url-14 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5561698
Url-15 http://www.leblebitozu.com/fernando-botero
Url-16 https://www.peramuzesi.org.tr/sergi/fernando-botero/44
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