Publishing Ethics
Acceptance and publication processes in JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN establish the basis for the development and distribution of information in an impartial and respectful manner. The processes applied in this direction reflect the quality of the work of the authors and institutions supporting the writers. Reviewed studies are the ones that embody and support the scientific methods. It is important that all stakeholders (writers, readers and researchers, publishers, reviewers, and editors) in the process follow the standards for ethical principles.
In the scope of JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN publishing ethics, all stakeholders are expected to carry out the following ethical responsibilities. The following ethical duties and responsibilities have been set up as open access, taking into account guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Author’s Ethical Responsibilities
The author(s) who submitted the manuscript to JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
- The author(s) is required to prepare an original study. In case of using various references, the author(s) makes a complete and accurate citation.
- The author(s) unfolds whether there is a conflict of interest or not
- The author(s) may be requested raw data in evaluation processes. In this case, the author(s) submits expected data to the editorial board and the scientific committee.
- The author(s) must have a document showing that they have the ethical permissions for used data
- The author(s) has an obligation to cooperate with the editor to inform, correct or withdraw the manuscript when (s)he notices that there is a mistake with the manuscript on the stage of publishing, early appearance or evaluation stage.
- The author(s) can not submit the manuscript more than a journal at the same time. Published manuscripts in another journal can not be sent to JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN.
- Changing the author responsibilities of a manuscript for which the evaluation process has already started (such as adding/eliminating authors, changing author order, etc.) can not be offered.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editor and Field Editors
The editor and field editors of JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN have the ethical duties and responsibilities indicated on the guidelines of the ‘COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors’ and ‘COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors’ published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
General tasks and responsibilities
Editors are responsible for every publication posted on JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN. In the context of this responsibility, the editors have the following roles and responsibilities:
- Efforts to meet the information needs of readers and authors,
S• Constantly developing the journal,
- Conducting processes to improve the quality of work published in the journal,
- Supporting the freedom of thought,
- Providing integrity in academic terms,
- Continuing business processes without compromising on intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
- Display clarity and transparency in terms of publication in matters requiring correction and clarification.
Relations with the Reader
- Editors should decide due to expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners in terms of needed knowledge, skills and experience.
- It should be considered whether the published work provides original contribution for the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific field.
- In addition, editors are obliged to take into account feedback coming from readers, researchers and practitioners, and to provide descriptive and informative feedback again.
Relations with Authors
The duties and responsibilities of the editors to the authors are as follows:
Editors should make positive or negative decisions according to importance, original value, validity, clarity of the studies and their relatedness with the aims and objectives of the journal.
The studies that are appropriate for the scope of the publication and does not have serious problems should be involved in the preliminary evaluation stage.
Editors should not ignore the referee’s positive suggestions unless there is a serious problem with the work.
New editors should not change decisions made by previous editor(s) for the work unless there is a serious problem.
The “Blind Review and Evaluation Process” must be published and the editors must avoid any deviations that may occur in the identified processes.
Editors should publish a “Writer Guide” explaining all details for the author(s). This guide should be updated regularly.
Authors should be informed in a clear way.
Relations with Reviewers
The duties and responsibilities of the editors to the referees are as follows:
Editors should select referees in accordance with the topic of the study.
It is obliged to provide information and guidance that referees will need in the evaluation phase.
Editors should consider whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and the referees.
Editors should save the referee’s identity in confidence for blind refereeing process.
Editors should encourage referees to evaluate the study impartially, scientifically and objectively.
Editors should evaluate performance and timely feedback of referees.
Editors should determine policies and practices that enhance referees’ performance.
Editors should update the referee pool continuously and dynamically.
Editors should prevent imprudent and non-scientific evaluations.
Editors should compose a wide range refeeres pool.
Relations with Advisory Board
Editors should make all members of advisory board obey publication policies and guidelines.
Editors should inform members of advisory board about publication policies and other processes.
Editors should ensure that members of advisory board evaluate the studies impartially and independently.
Editors should be able to determine contributive and appropriate new members.
Editors should send the study for evaluation which fits the field of interest of advisory board member.
Editors should interact regularly with advisory board.
Editors should organize meetings with the advisory committee for improvement of publishing policies.
Relations with owner and publisher
The relationship between editors (chief editor and chapter editors) and the publisher is based on the editorial independence principle. In accordance with the written agreement between the editors and the publisher, all the decisions of the editors are independent from the publisher and the journal owner.
Editorial and blind referee processes
Editors must implement the policies of “Blind Referee and Evaluation Process” with reference to publication policies. Editors ensure that each study is evaluated in a fair, impartial and timely manner.
Quality assurance
Editors are responsible for publishing every article accepted to the journal in accordance with publication policies and international standards.
Protection of personal data
Editors are responsible for protection of personal data of subjects or images used in the study. Editors have the right for rejection in case the permission of individuals are not certified. Also editors are responsible for protection of authors, referees and readers’ personal data.
Ethics committee, human and animal rights
Editors are responsible for protection of human and animal rights. When there are no permits for the experimental investigation, editors can refuse the study.
Prevention of possible misconduct
Editors should prevent possible misconducts. In case of a complaint, editors conduct an objective evaluation and investigation process.
Providing quality of academic publication
Editors should ensure the correction of errors, inconsistencies and misleadings in the study.
Protection of intellectual property rights
Editors shoul protect the intellectual property rights for all published articles, and should defend the rights of the journal and author(s) in case of a violation.
Editors are obliged to take necessary precautions in order to ensure property rights of publications.
Constructiveness and openness to discussion
Editors should take into account persuasive comments for the studies and should display a constructive attitude towards these comments.
Editors should ensure the right to reply for the authors.
Editors should not ignore or exclude studies involving negative consequences.
Editors should response to complaints of writers, referees or readers in a descriptive manner.
Political and commercial concerns
The journal owner, publisher and other political or commercial elements will not affect independent decisions of the editors.
Conflicts of interest
Editors should consider conflicts of interest among author(s), referees and other editors, and should guarantee an independent and impartial publication process.
Referees’ Ethical Responsibilities
The evaluation of all studies with “Double-blind Review” directly affects the quality of the publication. This process provides trust due to objective and independent evaluation. Referees can not communicate directly with the authors, and reviews and comments are transmitted through the journal management system. In this process, evaluation forms and referee comments on full texts are sent to the author(s) via the editor. In this context, referees have the following ethical responsibilities:
Referees should only accept the evaluation of studies that are related to their field of specialization.
Referees must evaluate impartiality and confidentiality.
Referees should inform the editor of the journal when they think that they are facing a conflict of interest during the evaluation process.
Referees must dispose the manuscript that they have examined under the confidentiality principle after the evaluation process. Only the final versions of the studies can be used after publication.
Referees should objectively evaluate the content of the study. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not influence the evaluation.
Referees should make the evaluation in a constructive and polite manner. Should not make personal comments that include hostility, slander and insults.
Referees agree to evaluate the study on time and within the above-mentioned ethical responsibilities.
Publisher Ethical Responsibilities
SEKIZGEN ACADEMY is the publisher of JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN and its Editorial Board act with the following ethical responsibilities:
Editors are responsible for all processes of the work submitted to the JOURNAL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND DESIGN. Regardless of economic or political gains in this framework, decision makers are Chief Editor and Section Editor.
The journal commits independent editorial decisions.
SEKIZGEN ACADEMY saves copyright protection of published manuscripts
The journal is responsible to prevent all kinds of scientific abuses and plagiarism.