


Concurrent dynamics, Kama Muta, Spatiality, Architecture, Design


This study presents a theoretical framework exploring the relationship between spatial dynamics and the experience of Kama Muta, a sudden, intense emotional response often experienced in social contexts, especially during art and performance (Fiske, Schubert, & Seibt, 2016). Hypothesizing that Kama Muta can function as a conceptual tool for understanding spatial dynamics' emotional and sensory effects, this research draws on theories from Lefebvre, Soja, Harvey, and Massey. It examines how dynamics such as belonging, memory, subjectivity, social capital, and relationality enhance the Kama Muta experience within cultural spaces, particularly in performing arts venues. Using Istanbul’s Kadıköy district and its alternative theater stages as a case study, the framework explores how concurrent spatial dynamics can interact to deepen this emotional response. This proposed model is intended to guide future research in architecture and urban planning, supporting the development of aesthetic and user-centered design strategies that engage emotional and social dimensions of spatiality.


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How to Cite

Bengü, D. (2024). SPATIALITY, KAMA MUTA, AND DESIGN: A MODEL PROPOSAL: SPATIALITY, KAMA MUTA, AND DESIGN: A MODEL PROPOSAL. Journal of Spatial Planning and Design, 4(1), 19–40.