Seoul Tears Down An Urban Highway And The City Can Breathe Again


  • Mehmet Tunçer



Some parts of the rivers that have been underground and flowing as sewers in Ankara since the 1950s can be added to the city as a recreation area and landscape value. Opening the streams in some places and creating new routes in some places and draining them are infrastructure and superstructure engineering projects. River basins should be handled starting from the upper basin, and pollution inspections and flood measures should be carried out continuously from the source (upstream) to the place where it flows into the sea (downstream). The city's river and valley systems should be addressed with a holistic approach and a "GREEN-BLUE MAIN PLAN" should be prepared in line with the "GREEN POLICY".

In this article, the practices of the SEOUL CHEONGGYECHEON RIVER, which is an important and successful international experience that can be an example for the recovery of Ankara's LOST STREAMS, TEA and STREAMS as an important "GREEN-BLUE INFRASTRUCTURE" for the city, will be explained.


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How to Cite

Tunçer, M. (2023). Seoul Tears Down An Urban Highway And The City Can Breathe Again. Journal of Spatial Planning and Design, 3(1), 89–103.