The Adventure Of Photography Art To Nft
Photography, Consumer Culture, New Media, NFT (non-fungible tokens)Abstract
This study discusses the process of photography from traditional to digital media and NFT.
New media has brought a great change to humanity's understanding of information and content production, compared to traditional media. Now, every information and content produced can be watched by the whole world within seconds. The great impact of developing technology on art production and consumption can also be observed. This situation has brought new art production and consumption strategies to the agenda and brought a different perspective to art products. The visibility of art has increased significantly, and the idea of production, reproduction and sales has been updated. With new media art, the concept of uniqueness of the work of art, which exists in the traditional understanding of art, has been adapted and transformed into the digital environment. The art of photography is at the center of all this change, as a part of social life, and has reached its current structure, evolved with new media.
Galleries have been moved to the digital environment with new media. This has created digital markets in the field of photography and made it possible for sales to be made on the internet. Blockchain technology, which emerged with new media, has changed humanity's perspective on trade with sales made with virtual money by offering an open and unintermediary digital system to the society. As the virtual market of art, NFT has enabled the products to meet collectors by protecting the copyrights and ensuring the uniqueness of photography, just like other art fields.
The scope of the article consists of the impact of social media on the change of society's perception of art, the effects of the new consumption culture created by new media on the art of photography, and the relationship between NFT (Non-fungible tokens) and the field of photography.
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