Temple of Rome and Augustus within The Political Landscape: A Monument of Imperial Image
Temple of Rome and Augustus, Ankyra, Political Landscape, Geographic Information Systems, Viewshed AnalysisAbstract
Political landscape emerges as a spatial dimension of power. It is explained by the intervention through the creation of space of the political systems and is understood through the multi-layered relations revealed by the space, time and human factor. Rulers have always legitimated their power through the physical space by making use of monuments for exercising their supremacy. Temple of Rome and Augustus, representation of a newly established regime of Augustus, is a good case for discussing how imperial power made use of this monument for conveying a message inscribed on stone at the province of Galatian Ancyra. The monument does not only stand as an expression of imperial message, but it is also a component of the landscape. Temple of Rome and Augustus has been examined in detail in the context of its history, epigraphy, architecture, and archaeology. This study evaluates the temple, which was built during the merging of the Galatia Region into a Roman province, in the context of the political landscape in the representation of the new administrative order. The temple will be revisited by means of place making and its visibility value. In symbolizing the sovereign power, the location of the temple is also being evaluated through viewshed analysis, as part of the spatial analysis in which Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is utilized.
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