An Example of The Contribution of Early Republic Architecture To National Identity: Burdur Government Housing Building




Burdur, Government House, National Architecture, Architectural identity


After the proclamation of the Republic, construction works were initiated in many cities of Anatolia, which had identity problems, aiming to create a modern urban identity. Burdur, which is a small city in Anatolia, had not yet gained its urban identity at that time. From the first years of the Republic to the 1950s, the identity of cities was shaped in different architectural periods under the influence of modernization and westernization. In the study, the national identity of the Burdur Government Office building, which is one of the public buildings that witnessed the period it was built and has survived to the present day by preserving its structural and functional features, in the field of architecture has been examined. It is important for the city memory that the Burdur Government House reflects the architectural features of the period it was built and is a part of history. In the study, in which detailed plan and façade analyzes are explained, the structural relationship of the building with the government mansions built at about the same time in other Anatolian cities and showing similar features was also compared. As a result, this study, which deals with the architectural features of Burdur Government Office, which has an important place in the city's memory, will contribute to the literature on the subject.


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How to Cite

Kalkan, Çisem, & Şimşek Tolacı, S. . (2022). An Example of The Contribution of Early Republic Architecture To National Identity: Burdur Government Housing Building. Journal of Spatial Planning and Design, 2(1), 42–69.