The Use and Perceptions Towards AI Tools For Academic Writing Among University Students


  • Elif Tokdemir Demirel Kırıkkale University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Western Languages and Literatures English Translation and Interpreting



Artificial Intelligence, Academic Writing, Academic Integrity


AI- powered tools like ChatGPT, Grammarly and other writing assistants have become increasingly accessible offering opportunities for guiding academic writing development  within ESP contexts through feedback, suggesting improvement and aiding error correction. The uses of AI-powered tools in academic writing include grammar and syntax checking, style and tone adjustment, clarity and conciseness suggestions, plagiarism detection, reference an citation management, content generation and brainstorming, targeted feedback on writing quality, thesis statement and argument strengthening, vocabulary enhancement, content structuring and outlining, translation and language support, research assistance, sentence rephrasing and paraphrasing, automated summarization and peer-review simulation. The increasing variety of tools and the rich repertoire of uses they offer makes it necessary to provide guidance to learners on how to use them effectively and ethically. The increasing use of AI-powered tools in academic writing practices has also brought about concerns regarding ethical considerations and potential pitfalls including over-reliance on AI and issues of academic integrity. Considering these issues, this presentation will address how AI can be effectively used to assist the academic writing process and offer alternative strategies for academic writing teachers to ensure academic integrity while using AI-powered tools. In order to gain an insight into the attitudes and experiences of academic writers with AI, surveys will be conducted with graduate level students in social science programs. The ultimate aim of the study is to determine the current situation  about the use of AI by undergraduate and graduate level students and provide guidance to educators on using digital tools to help students develop specialized academic writing skills while ensuring the pedagogical balance between AI and issues of academic integrity by providing information about best practices and examples.  

Author Biography

Elif Tokdemir Demirel , Kırıkkale University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Western Languages and Literatures English Translation and Interpreting

Elif Tokdemir Demirel is an Associate Professor and the Chair of the English Translation and Interpretation Subdivision at Kırıkkale University in Turkey. Her research interests are second language writing,  writing center research, corpus linguistics, learner corpora studies, corpus aided translation, teaching technologies in ELT and classroom interaction. In her research she focuses on the interaction between academic writing pedagogy and corpus studies, as well as register variation. She has been carrying out research on corpus linguistics applications in ELT and Translation Studies. She has published and edited books on Online Learning and  Interdisciplinary Academic Writing. She has directed university supported projects on mobile learning and corpus linguistics. She has directed and is currently carrying out TÜBİTAK 2237 projects on classroom interaction management in ELT. She is also acting as a consultant on TÜBİTAK 2209 Student Research Project on Translation Studies. She is devoted to research in both Corpus Linguistics and ELT and Academic Writing mainly and loves teaching and assisting learners in research.




How to Cite

Tokdemir Demirel , E. (2024). The Use and Perceptions Towards AI Tools For Academic Writing Among University Students. Innovations in Language Teaching Journal, 1(1), 1–20.



Research Articles