Exploring pre-service teachers' perceptions on world Englishes and culture course
Intercultural communication, pre-service teachers, world Englishes, teacher training programsAbstract
The World Englishes and Culture Course is a standard component of teacher training programs offered at the majority of universities. This course aims to provide teacher candidates with the necessary knowledge and abilities to effectively understand and utilize the different varieties and forms of English worldwide. It acknowledges that English is no longer exclusively owned by native speakers from nations such as the UK, the US, or Australia. The current research study aimed to explore pre-service English teachers' perception of this course by getting better insights into the significance of the course, expected teacher roles, and suggested activities for raising WE-aware language learners. 35 (21 female, 14 male) English Language Teaching program pre-service students participated in the study via purposive sampling. They received open-ended structured questions via Google Forms and replied to the questions in 40 minutes with the guidance of the researchers. The data was subjected to content analysis, and results were tabulated. The findings showed that nearly all participants recognized the significance of the course and offered different activities to improve their learning of varieties of English worldwide.