Horticultural Therapy Practice as Ecological Activism



Environmental awareness, ecological activism, ecological consciousness, horicultural therapy


This article aims to explore the relationship between horticultural therapy and ecological activism. The existing literature has been thoroughly reviewed through a library research method. The study highlights that horticultural therapy, as a tool of ecological activism, has the potential to enhance individuals' environmental awareness while improving their mental and physical health. In the 21st century, shaped by environmental issues and sustainability goals, ecological activism seeks to raise awareness about eco-friendly behaviors while also contributing to the improvement of individuals' overall well-being. Horticultural therapy enhances quality of life through interaction with plants and immersion in nature, while fostering ecological awareness and sustainability consciousness. It offers individuals the opportunity to understand ecosystems and adopt sustainable lifestyles. Horticultural therapy, applied in various fields, encourages the development of environmentally conscious individuals. Future research could focus on examining the effects of horticultural therapy on different age groups and communities, as well as investigating its long-term impacts. Additionally, evaluating the applications in community gardens within the context of ecological activism could be beneficial in understanding how horticultural therapy can reach a wider audience and how its societal benefits related to ecological activism can be more deeply understood.




How to Cite

Kara, Y. (2024). Horticultural Therapy Practice as Ecological Activism. Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture, 1(1), 29–42. Retrieved from https://www.sekizgenacademy.com/journals/index.php/Jtth/article/view/312