Analysis of the Effects of Art Deco Architecture on the World and Turkey
art deco, architecture, arts, modern architecture, art deco styleAbstract
The concept that can be accepted as Art Deco architecture does not have form features, but the motivations and dynamics that form the form. Works of architecture have shown changes depending on place, time, and society. These changes are characterized as "style, style and form". The construction of styles progressed slowly in the Ancient Ages when stagnation and calmness prevailed. Stylistic changes varied with technological developments. It is difficult to distinguish styles within the current period, but it is necessary to examine past periods. However, it is possible to describe the style when looking at objects, settlements and structures in everyday life. In the 20th century, it is possible to characterize it as Modernism. The Modern movement in design and architecture is divided into fields within itself. Some of them are prominent while others remain in the shadows. Art Deco, which varies in culture, that is, in countries, the reflections of the world countries and the Republic of Turkey have been investigated. stated.
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