Reading Semiotic Orientation In Interior Architecture Project Process Through Student Projects
Semiotics, interior design semiotics, semiotic analysisAbstract
As an object of communication, space offers various identities to the user as a result of the subject-space interaction by transforming its physical elements into objects of communication. Interior semiotics, which focuses on the process of understanding and interpretation of this event, deals with the sensations created by the data of the space on the user and the processes through which these sensations pass. The formal abstraction methods that interior architecture education indirectly provides students with are a guide for them to create the meaning and identity behind their designs.
Within the scope of this study, firstly, a literature review was conducted in which general semiotic methods were defined, and two student projects were selected as a sample to be analyzed. It covers the analysis of syntagmatic and paradigmatic elements that exist on these projects within the framework of Ferdinand de Saussure's semiotic method. The outputs of the analyzed projects aim to reveal that interior architecture students are able to internalize and apply semiotic methods to design processes even without learning semiotic methods at the theoretical level. This study aims to emphasize the importance of integrating the concept of semiotics into the educational process in the discipline of interior architecture.
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