Digital Technology Use of Baby Boomers and Generation Z Adults and Intergenerational Digital Solidarity
Baby Boomers, Generation Z, Older adults, Digital technology, Digital solidarityAbstract
Increasing life expectancy and longevity in today's societies enable at least two generations to live together. This situation has made it important to examine the adaptation processes of different age groups to digital technologies. As digital technologies have become an integral part of daily life, how these technologies are adopted by different age groups has become an important subject of study. In this context, this study examines the use of digital technologies and intergenerational digital solidarity between the Baby Boomers (born between 1944-1964) and Generation Z (born between 1997-2012) adults. The study reveals that Baby Boomers (1944-1964) generation adults approach digital technologies more cautiously than Generation Z (1997-2012) adults and receive support from their relatives in the learning process, but when they adapt, they can solve problems independently. Generation Z, on the other hand, is a generation that has internalized technology as "digital natives", can adapt quickly and can easily use digital technology in all areas of their lives. This is despite the fact that Generation Z's dependence and commitment to technology is criticized by other generations. As a result, the use and adaptation of digital technology differs between Baby Boomers and Generation Z, but these differences bring about intergenerational digital solidarity and mutual assistance in learning processes. This solidarity allows for collective action in the digital world.
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