Deconstructive Reading of King Lear
Deconstruction, Derrida, Postmodern, Shakespeare, King LearAbstract
Deconstruction is a postmodern reading attitude against logocentrism which was developed under the representation of Jacques Derrida, questioning the immutable rules of western metaphysics and answering all of the definite meanings that can be inferred from text with doubt. In deconstructional readings, expressions and impressions from the text that seem to be certain should be analysed over and over again and the motion of the language should be interpreted knowing that the meanings can turn into different meanings. In this context, a deconstructive reading of Shakespeare's play, King Lear written in 1605 will be made in this study. In this reading, which is suitable for a deconstructive reading due to the abundance of intertextual references and binary oppositions such as good-bad, friend-enemy, husband-wife and many more, the development of Lear's place in the patriarchal family structure throughout the story, in which he takes place as a symbol of authority, and the similarity with the sub-stories, dementia and mood disorders, his journey from blindness to wisdom will be read with a deconstructive approach. The situations encountered by Lear in the cyclical trajectory of the text will be scrutinized. A reading will be conducted on the countless possibilities of the situations faced by Lear and family members. By examining the physical and psychological ramifications, events will be evaluated based on the infinite divergences of meaning they entail.
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