An Example Assessment of Noise Control in Educational Buildings




Educational Buildings, noise control, sound transmission loss, building envelope, acoustic comfort


Educational buildings are areas where students engage in listening, understanding, and learning activities. Noise hinders students' concentration and learning. The "Regulation on Protection Against Noise in Buildings" currently in force in Turkey aims to prevent acoustic disadvantages through oversight. Under specific classifications, limit values have been established, necessitating compliance with certain conditions. This study addresses noise control to ensure healthy education in classrooms, evaluating whether existing classrooms meet the necessary acoustic conditions by referencing the applicable regulation. Measurements of external noise and background noise were conducted and assessed using an acoustic simulation program compliant with the calculation method outlined in the regulation. The results revealed the current acoustic performance of classrooms, indicating that those exposed to heavy traffic noise exhibited insufficient structural resistance to external noise, resulting in background noise levels falling short of desired values. Improvements to the building envelope were recommended.


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How to Cite

Özbek, U. (2024). An Example Assessment of Noise Control in Educational Buildings. Journal of Interior Design and Academy, 4(2), 172–191.