Integration of Artificial Intelligence Into Project Courses in Interior Architecture Education
Artificial intelligence, educational technologies, interior design education, design education, web 4.0Abstract
With the developing technology, various artificial intelligence applications have started to be used by interior architects. The aim of this study is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the use of artificial intelligence in project courses, which have an important place in interior architecture education, and to discover artificial intelligence software that provides more support to the student in the variety of programs. As the primary method of the research; Literature review was conducted with the general survey model, which is one of the qualitative research methods. As the second method; A semi-structured interview was conducted with nineteen volunteer students from senior interior architecture students in order to collect the findings including project applications. As a result of the study; educational technologies that are evolving day by day; that it contributes to both the literature and interior architecture education on the developments in the field of interior architecture education.
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