Examining Interdisciplinary Objects and Space in Installation Art Within a Mereological And Semiotic Framework
Artistic expression, installation, interdisciplinary objects, mereology, semiologyAbstract
The expanding network of relationships between art and various disciplines has redefined artists' means of expression through interdisciplinary extensions in the field of art. This study, in line with this concept, focuses on the new layers of "function and meaning" that emerge when 'objects from different disciplines' are used as part of the artwork in installation art, which is characterized by its spatial practice. Artists have found the opportunity to enhance their artistic expressions by incorporating objects from technical and design disciplines within the realm of installation art or within a theoretical framework. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between "space and interdisciplinary objects at the intersection" in installations, and to discuss the conceptual significance and spatial boundaries through the lens of art. Within the scope of the research, a literature review has been conducted based on artists who utilize these objects in their works, and the identified artworks have been examined through a multiple-case study. As a result of the research, mereological and semiotic approaches have been employed to examine the relationship between the constituent elements (objects) that compose the artwork (installation) and the entirety (space) that forms the overall context in experiencing this artwork.
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