Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture
<p>Türkiye Terapötik Hortikültür Dergisi (Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture); peyzaj mimarlığı, ziraat, Sosyal hizmet, hemşirelik, eğitim bilimleri, psikiyatri, nörobiyoloji, psikoloji, sosyoloji, antropoloji, felsefe ve sosyal alanlarında disiplinler arası bilimsel bir yayındır. İçeriğinde deneysel çalışmalar, klinik çalışmalar, derlemeler, olgu sunumları, kısa bildirimler, yeni yayınların tanıtımı, kitap tanıtımı, toplantı ve kongre duyuruları, editöre mektup türünden yazılara yer verilir. Türkiye Terapötik Hortikültür Dergisi (Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture) yılda bir yayımlanır. </p> <p><strong>e-ISSN: 3062-1321</strong></p> <p><strong>Publisher: </strong><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Doç. Dr. Sima POUYA </strong></p>SİMA POUYAen-USJournal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture3062-1321Horticultural Therapy Definitions Models and Examples
<p>Günümüzde hastaneler ve diğer sağlık kuruluşları, bahçeleri iyileşmenin önemli bir parçası olarak kullanmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte, teknolojik gelişmeler ve ekonomik baskının hızlı bir şekilde büyümesi ile doğa-insan ilişkisi uzun bir süre ihmal edilmiştir. Sağlık alanında uzun bir geçmişi olmasına rağmen, doğal çevrenin sağlık üzerindeki etkileri son zamanlarda sistematik olarak incelenmeye başlanmıştır. Literatürü incelediğimde, hortikültürel terapisinin tarihinin 1960 yıllara dayandığını görmekteyiz. Ancak ülkemizde bu terapi yöntemi uygulamaları kapsamında, özel gereksinimli bireyler, yaşlılar, mahkûmlar, hastalar, evsizler, doğal afetlerden etkilenenler, kimsesizler, madde bağımlıları, risk altındaki çocuklar vb. birçok kişinin hortikültürel terapisinden faydalanabilme imkânı olmasına rağmen oldukça eksik olduğu, neredeyse hiç faydalanma olmadığını fark ettim. Yaptığım araştırmalarla ülkemizde açık alanların iyileştirici özelliği dikkate alınmadan tasarlandığını ifade edebilirim. Yıllar içinde yaptığım çalışmalar aracılığıyla hastane binalarındaki mevcut balkonlar ve terasların kullanılmadığı, hastane etrafındaki alanların işlevsiz kaldığını ve daha çok arabalara ev sahipliği yaptığını, eğitim merkezlerinin ve okul bahçelerinin doğru tasarlanmadığı, sağlık ve rehabilitasyon merkezîlerinin bahçelerinin yalnızca estetik kaygılar taşıdığı ve bu alanlarda ağırlıklı olarak hasta yakınlarının oturma birimlerini kullandıkları; huzur ve yaşlı evlerindeki yeşil alanların erişilebilir olmadığı vb. sorunlarını tespit ettim. Diğer ülkeler gibi hortikültürel terapisinin Türkiye’de tam anlamıyla doğru bir biçimde uygulanması için her şeyden önce hortikültürel terapisinin bahçecilik programlarıyla aynı olmadığının anlatılması ve toplumun bilinçlendirmesi, yurtdışındaki uygulama merkezleri ile bağlantıların kurulması ve paralel çalışılması, gönüllülerin ve yardımseverlerin teşvik edilmesi için stratejilerin düşünülmesi, disiplinler arası becerilerin ilgili eğitimler aracılığıyla geliştirilmesi, uzman kişilerin bir araya gelip çalışması, ulusal ve yerel yönetimler tarafından desteklerin sağlanması ve uygulama örneklerinin arttırılması önerilmektedir. Hortikültürel terapisi uygulanacak merkezlerde bireyi iyi tanıyan eğitimci (bilişsel özellikleri, fiziksel yetileri, kişisel ilgi alanlarını takip eden) ve engel durumuna göre fiziksel kapasiteleri tanımlayacak olan fizyoterapistler, hekimler, toprak ve bitki ile grubu bir araya getirecek ilgili tasarım ve planlama uzmanlarının (mimar, mühendis, peyzaj mimarı) birlikte çalışmaları ile oldukça yararlı ve başarılı sonuçlar elde edilecektir.</p>Sima Pouya
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture
2024-12-202024-12-20115153 Healthy Aging And Horticultural Therapy
<p>Elderly population rate is increasing around the world and our country. According to population projections, it is predicted that the elderly population will increase to 22% in the world in 2050, and to 22.6% in our country in 2060. The concept of healthy aging, which has gained great importance all over the world in the current decade, includes maintaining the physical and mental capacities of the elderly individual, improving their independence, self-care and self-esteem, and increasing their quality of life. In this regard, the need for effective practices that will improve the physical and psychosocial health of elderly individuals is increasing. Horticultural therapy (HT) is an important type of therapy that encourages elderly individuals to age healthily through the therapeutic use of gardening activities and has positive effects on psychological, cognitive and physical health. Designing the therapeutic application area, structuring gardening activities in accordance with the characteristics and needs of elderly individuals, and choosing plants are important factors affecting the success of therapy. The activities in HT applications and the plant species used in therapy vary according to geographical conditions and culture. In developed countries, the use of HT to support the healthy aging process in elderly individuals is seen, but it is still developing in our country. Many studies are needed to develop and disseminate HT for elderly individuals in our country. This study was written as a traditional review to explain HT and its use and effects on healthy aging.</p>Dilara HaktanırHülya Bilgin
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture
2024-12-202024-12-2011115 Therapeutic Gardening For Individuals With Substance Use Disorder: World Examples
<p>Therapeutic gardening for individuals with substance use disorders stands out as an effective treatment approach applied in many countries around the world. This method aims to support healing processes by using the positive effects of interaction with nature on health. Therapeutic gardening helps reduce stress, restore emotional balance and improve mental health. In addition, these gardens can contribute to the development of social features and the integration of their dimensions. Successful examples around the world highlight the potential of therapeutic gardening in combating substance use disorders, indicating that it has become an important representation in multidisciplinary treatment approaches. This varies worldwide in the distribution of therapeutic gardening for people with substance use disorders. In the conclusion of the study, current articles and literature registration documents examined within the framework of the subject are presented with suggestions for the formation of therapeutic gardening for people with substance use disorders in Turkey.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Therapeutic gardening, Substance use disorder, Recovery process, <br>horicultural therapy.</p> <p> </p>Zeynep Taylan
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture
2024-12-202024-12-20111628Horticultural Therapy Practice as Ecological Activism
<p>This article aims to explore the relationship between horticultural therapy and ecological activism. The existing literature has been thoroughly reviewed through a library research method. The study highlights that horticultural therapy, as a tool of ecological activism, has the potential to enhance individuals' environmental awareness while improving their mental and physical health. In the 21st century, shaped by environmental issues and sustainability goals, ecological activism seeks to raise awareness about eco-friendly behaviors while also contributing to the improvement of individuals' overall well-being. Horticultural therapy enhances quality of life through interaction with plants and immersion in nature, while fostering ecological awareness and sustainability consciousness. It offers individuals the opportunity to understand ecosystems and adopt sustainable lifestyles. Horticultural therapy, applied in various fields, encourages the development of environmentally conscious individuals. Future research could focus on examining the effects of horticultural therapy on different age groups and communities, as well as investigating its long-term impacts. Additionally, evaluating the applications in community gardens within the context of ecological activism could be beneficial in understanding how horticultural therapy can reach a wider audience and how its societal benefits related to ecological activism can be more deeply understood.</p>Yunus Kara
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture
2024-12-202024-12-20112942Effects of Gardening Activities on the Health of Disabled Individuals
<p>Disability is an important issue worldwide and the number of disabled people is increasing day by day. Individual and environmental factors affecting the community participation of disabled individuals may cause a decrease in their quality of life. This situation increases the need for intervention methods that can be applied to facilitate the lives of disabled individuals. Gardening activities are one of the activities used to support the health of individuals with disabilities. This review article was conducted to examine the effects of gardening activities on the health of disabled individuals. Gardening activities provide positive effects on protecting, developing and improving the health of individuals with disabilities by providing cost-effective and low-risk activities. Various activities such as sowing, planting, digging and harvesting in gardening activities contribute to the development of physical functions of disabled individuals. Gardening activities increase the physical capacity of disabled individuals, especially by encouraging the development of motor skills and muscle functions. These activities are also effective in stress management and positively affect the mental health of the participants. In addition, disabled individuals participating in gardening activities can become more socially active by interacting with other individuals. It is very important for public health nurses to make plans, carry out practices and cooperate with various professional groups and organisations about the participation of disabled individuals in gardening activities that can provide positive effects on their health. In this context, gardening activities are an effective method in protecting, developing and improving the physical, mental and social health of disabled individuals.</p>Mürselcan Kabakcı
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Turkish Therapeutic Horticulture